5000 The following ClearQuest records have been removed by the ClearQuest integration, because they don't exist in the associated ClearQuest database:
5100 An internal error has occured.
5101 An unknown error has occured.
5102 The attribute has not the expected datatype which should be Text.
5103 The specified ClearQuest record doesn't exist in the current session.
5104 An action is already in progress for this ClearQuest record.
5105 The searched ClearQuest record does not exist.
5106 The searched ClearQuest record has been deleted.
5108 The Property Let ClearQuestOleServerSession must be called only once per LinkStorage instance.
5109 The ClearQuest session this instance is intended to work on has not been set.
5110 A reference on a RequisitePro object is nothing, this is not expected.
5111 A reference on a ClearQuest object is nothing, this is not expected.
5112 An invalid value has been passed as an argument.
5113 The schema the ClearQuest database is relying upon has not the right version of packages
5114 The Repository Project defined in ClearQuest and in the Rational Administrator have the same name but have different paths. Please contact your Administrator to solve this ambiguity.
5115 The selected ClearQuest record is already associated with a requirement from another Repository Project. A ClearQuest record can be associated with requirements from only one Repository Project.
5116 A Requirement proxy is not unique in the CQ database. Please contact your Administrator.